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How To Create A Sales Funnel For Your Business (in just 8 steps)


Hi guys, today we’re going to see how you can create a sales funnel for your business. First let's see why you need a sales funnel let's say your selling a product when you promote the product some people may buy this product immediately but a lot of people might need to go through a certain process before they are ready to buy the product. For example, let’s say you come across an ad on facebook. And it costs quite a lot of money, now before you want to purchase this product, you might want to know more about it, like who is selling this product, are you able to trust them what are the benefits you can get from the product, and how it would be useful to you would want to know these details before you buy the product, so it’s the same for your customers. Your customers need a certain time to gain the information & trust they need... before they are ready to become your customer. So this can be done by using a sales funnel. A sales funnel is a step-by-step process, that you can implement, that allows you to bring your customer closer to a buying decision. So this can be done through a series of actions like automated emails, videos, and landing pages & more. So these set of tools that you implement..., will do the selling for you, every time a new visitor comes in. Now, for example, let’s say you want to sell an online course. And you’re promoting it online using a facebook ad. Now instead of keeping a direct buying link in your ad. Let’s say you create an exciting offer which your potential customer might like, which will give them a taste of what you can offer. If you’re selling a course on weight loss, you can provide your customer a list of free tips for weight loss, by doing this, the interested people can give you their emails and get your free tips, so this will create a connection between you and your customers and you will be able to offer them more information later via email, and in these emails, you can talk about your paid course or paid product that you offer. This will give them more time to learn about you and make their decision about the purchase. In this way, you will get more sales for your product, without increasing the amount that you spend on ads. So this is how a sales funnel works. Now the best part is, sales funnel works for any kind of product, it can be a digital product, or it can also be a physical product too, so you can use a sales funnel to increase your sales of any product. In this video, we’re going to see how you can create a sales funnel like this, where we are going to create a landing page, where users can submit their email to get your offer, and we will see how you can send emails to your visitors automatically after they sign up to your email list. Then we will see how you can send follow-up emails with more information about your product like this will keep connected with your visitors, and finally, we will also see how you can set up your sales page, where your customers can make the payment and buy your product. Now once you set up a sales funnel, we will see how you can track the number of people who have visited your site and purchased your product. So in this tutorial, you will be learning how to set up a sales funnel using a tool called ‘get response’. This tool will help you to create the landing page, send emails and do all the selling for you. Now if you’re also interested to know how to create your own sales funnel right from your wordpress website you can check out our sales funnel course by clicking here.

Create an account in GetResponse

We’re going to do this in 3 steps the first step is to create an account in getresponse now, getresponse is the site, which is going to help us create sales funnel for our products so to create an account, just click the link below this video and it will take you to this page now, fill up these details and click ‘create account’ now to activate our account, it will ask you to verify your email i’d so to verify, let’s go to our inbox and you can see, we have got a mail from getresponse let’s open it and click ‘activate my account’. And now it will ask you to fill up these details i’m going to enter my details and click ‘save and continue’. And now we have successfully created our account once you have created your account,.

Create a sales funnel

We can go to step two, which is to create a sales funnel so to create the sales funnel, just click here and click ‘conversion funnel’ and then click ‘create funnel’. Now here, if you only want to collect emails of your visitors and promote your products in the future… you can use this option, as we want to set up sales funnel to sell products, let’s go to ‘sell a product’ and click here now give a name to your sales funnel, i want to sell e-books so i’m going to enter ‘e-book’ and click ‘save & continue’ and click here.

Add your product

Once you have created the sales funnel we can go to step 3, which is to add your product, now i want to add my product, which is ‘how to get your dream physique in 90 days ’. And this is the product which i want to sell. So to add this product, first, you need to create a getresponse store, so to create a store click ‘create a store’ and here, give a name to your store i’m going to enter ‘go to shape’ now here, you can change the currency based on your need i’m going to let it as ‘usd’01 and then click ‘create’. So now we have successfully created our store. Once you have created the store next, we can start adding products to it, so to add the products, just click here, you need to select the type of product of which you want to sell as i want to sell an ebook, i’m going to select this, now here, you need to give a name to your file i’m going to enter my product name and add a description and then add the price of your product for which you want to sell your product next, we need to add an image of our product so choose your image from your computer drag it and drop it here, and you can resize the image, by dragging the slider here, we need to add our ebook so let’s click here, i’m going to select my e-book and click here as you can see, our e-book has been uploaded now by default, people who buy our products will be added to a different list. But we want the list to be connected with our sales funnel, so let’s click here and select this option, and once you have done this, click ‘save’ and your product will be added to our sales funnel. Now here, you need to select the product you want to sell so let’s select our product which we added now, and click save. So now we have created our store and added the product to it, and this is our sales funnel dashboard.

Create landing page

Next we can start creating a landing page which we can use to promote and to get emails of people who will be interested in our products, now we can provide discounts on our product or free content upon signing up so that you can encourage your visitors to sign up and in exchange get the email address of those who are interested in your products. Now as i’m promoting my product which is a complete workout and diet plan, i’m going to give an ebook on 10 exercises to lose weight fast for free on my landing page and then promote it, so people who are interested in fitness and health` will be attracted through my ads, so next, let’s go to the second part of the video, which is to create a landing page. So to create our landing page, we’re going to do 3 steps the first step is to choose a template now instead of creating our landing page from scratch, we’re going to import a template and then edit it to make it our own so to choose a template just click here. And it will take you to this page here, you can find different types of templates which you can choose just select the one you want i’m going to select this, now here, give a name to your page, i’m going to enter ‘free e-book sign up’ and click next, so now we have got our template.

Edit your landing page

Once you have got your template, we can go to step 2, which is to edit our template now as i want to promote an ebook on fitness i’m going to customize the landing page based on that. So let’s say you want to change this text just select the text and replace it with the text you want, i’m going to enter about the ebook, next, if you want to change this image, just select it click ‘replace image’ and click ‘add files’ now drag the file you want drop it here and then click ‘add’ now here, click ‘use’ and use the slider to resize the image. So now we have added our image now to change this button text, just double click it and then enter the text you want, i’m going to enter ‘sign up now’. So now we have successfully edited our landing page. Now click here, and this is the page that our visitors will see once they sign up, so like we did before, you can also edit this page once you have edited both the pages now to publish it, just click here, and scroll down now here, you can see we have ‘sales page’ as our thank you page by default. This means once the visitor signs up, it will show your products page instead of the ‘thank you’. Page. But i want to show a ‘thank you’ page so let’s click here and select ‘default thank-you page’ and then click ‘publish’ now your landing page will be published. To check it, just click here. And you can see, we have got our landing page. So now we have successfully created our landing page. And now we can start promoting our landing page and attract people who will be interested in this product, okay, now let’s say you have promoted your page and a visitor signs up on your landing page.

Create an automated email with free product

Now if we go back to our sales funnel dashboard and click here you can see the details of the visitor who have signed up but how will you send the free ebook to your visitors?

Add freebie to the email

With the free ebook, now along with the automated email, i want to promote my product which is the program on ‘fitness’, so when a visitors sign up on our landing page they will receive an email with our free e-book and when they open the email to download their free ebook, they can also see our paid product like this, so to do that, let’s go back to our sales funnel dashboard here click ‘create an email’. And it will take you to this page now from here, we need to design our email so first, let’s give a name for our email, and here, enter the subject of the email. Now i want to add the subscribers name in the email’s subject, like this…. So to add it, you need to enter text like this in the place where you want to add the subscribers name. So i’m going to enter dear ]. And my subject and now the subscribers name will be shown here, once have done that, click ‘next step’ and it will take you to this page, here, you will have different types of design, which you can use for your email so take a look at these designs and select the one you want, i’m going to select this. And you can see, we have got our design along with the details of our dream physique ebook which we want to sell. So in this way, we can promote the product which we want to sell, through the offer emails. And we can let people know about our product and interested people will purchase the product. Now like we did before, you can edit this design once you have done that next, we need to add our freebie to this email, so to add it, let’s select this button and here, you need to enter the file link so to get the file link, first, we need to add our file to google drive so to add our file, let’s open a new tab and go to here, click the plus icon and click ‘file upload’ and now select the file which you want to add, i’m going to select my file and you can see our file has been uploaded to google drive now to get the url of this file right-click on it and select ‘get link’ now, this is the link to our file, so let’s click here and select ‘anyone with the link’ and then click here, to copy the url once you have copied it let’s go back to our email and paste it here and then click ‘next step’ then click ‘save and publish’. And now our automated email is ready. So now if we go back to our landing page and let’s say a visitor fills up these details, and clicks ‘sign up’ they will be taken to our ‘thank you’ page and an email will be sent to their email address so to check it, let’s go to the subscriber’s inbox and you can see, they have received an email so let’s open it, as you can see, they have got their e-book. And here, you can see our paid product which we want to sell now to download the free e-book, all they have to do is click here, and they will get our ebook now if you click here you can see, the ebook has been downloaded. So this is how you can create an automated email and now we have successfully created our landing page and set up the automated email. Once they have downloaded their e-book,.

Create a sales page for our product

Let’s say they want to check out our paid product, so let’s click on it, as you can see the product is not showing since we haven’t created a sales page for our product, so next let’s go to part 3, which is to create a sales page for our product now, this is the page which will help us to display the products you want to sell, so to create a sales page, let’s go back to the getresponse dashboard now scroll down and click ‘create a sales page’.

Enable payment method

Now before we start creating our sales page first, we need to enable our payment method, once you enable it, if a customer buys a product from your page, you'l receive the payment in your bank account so to enable it we’re going to do 2 steps the first step is to create a stripe account so to create the account just click the link below this video and it will take you to this page now this is the site, which is going to help us to add a payment gateway/method to our sales page now to create an account click ‘start now’ here you need to fill up these details i’m going to enter my details and click ‘create account’. So now we have successfully created our stripe account once you have created the account now to receive payments using this account we need to activate this account so to activate it click ‘start’ and it will take you to this page here, you need to enter the details about your business i’m going to enter my details and click ‘continue’ now again here, you need to fill up these details once you have done that, click ‘continue’. And next you need to enter your bank details where you want to receive your payments so let’s enter it. And now when someone purchases a product from your site, money will be sent to this account once you have entered these details click ‘save’ and click ‘continue’. And you can see, we have successfully activated our stripe account once you have activated your account we can go to step 2 which is to connect our stripe account with getresponse so to connect it, let’s go back here. Now select ‘stripe’ and click ‘connect with stripe’ and click ‘connect’ then click ‘save’ so now we have successfully connected our stripe account with getresponse, this means we have now added payment method, and now we can collect payment from the customer once you have added the payment method we can start creating our sales page so to create it we’re going to do 2 steps, the first step is to choose a template for the sales page so to choose it, just select the one you want from here, i’m going to select this one here, give a name to your template i’m going to enter ‘dream physique sales page’ and click ‘next’. And you can see, we got our template along with our product next, we can go to step 2 which is to edit this template now like we did before, we can edit our sales page using the same method so let’s say you want to change this text just select this and then replace it with the text you want i’m going to enter my text. And as you can see here. ... Our product has already been added to our sales page. Once you edited the sales page next, let's go to the checkout page now here, you can edit this page using the same method. And once you have edited both the pages. Click ‘next step’ and click ‘publish’ now we have successfully created our sales page and now, if the visitor clicks here it will take them to our page so to check that let’s go back to the email now if we click here you can see that, it now takes us to the sales page where you can see our product. Now let’s say a visitor wants to purchase this product all they have to do is just click here then, fill up these details here, enter the card details now select the product and click ‘order now’ and you can see, the visitor has successfully purchased our product. Now to get the ebook all they have to do is just click ‘download’ and the e-book will be downloaded to their computer now if they click it, you can see, they got our e-book. And now if we go to our inbox you can see, we got a mail from the stripe let’s open it here you can see, we have received our payment through stripe so now if we go back to our sales funnel dashboard and click ‘refresh’ you can see the total amount of money we have earned through sales.

Change the domain name

Okay, now if you see here, we have the default domain name, which does not look good and professional, next, let’s see how you can change this domain name to a more professional one like this to change the domain name we’re going to do 2 steps the first step is to get a new domain so to get a domain just click the link below this video. And it will take you to webspacekit. Now this is the site, where we are going to get our domain here, enter the name which you want for your site i’m going to enter ‘’ and click ‘search’ you can see, our domain name is available so to get this domain name, click ‘add to cart’ and click ’continue’ since we only want a domain we can skip these plans as these are going to get hosting so let's click skip. And you can see here, we are getting our domain for one year, now just scroll down and here, you need to fill up these details i’m going to enter my details again scroll down here, you need to select your payment method, i’m going to use my card and i’m going to enter my card details then click ‘order now’ you can see, we have successfully placed our order now just click here. And it will take us to the webspacekit dashboard now if we click here you can see, we have got our new domain so now we have successfully got our domain once you have got your domain, we can go to the next step, which is to add this domain to our sales funnel page so to add it, let’s go back to our sales funnel dashboard now click here and select ‘manage your pages’. And it will take you to this page now just click here and select ‘edit settings’ now click ‘add a new domain’ and here, enter the domain name which you have just purchased so let's enter our domain name and then click ‘add domain’ now click here and select the domain which you added now to complete connecting our domain to the sales funnel page we need to change the dns settings of webspacekit so to change it just right click here and then open it in a new tab now we need to add these details to our dns settings so add these details let’s go back to webspacekit now click here and select ‘manage nameservers’. Now this is the place, where we need to add these details so let’s go back to getresponse let’s copy this and paste it here, now copy this then paste it here. Once you have added the details click ‘change nameservers’. And you can see, our nameservers have been updated. Now let’s go back to getresponse and click ‘publish’ and as soon as you click publish, the new domain will be added to our landing page to check it, let’s open a new tab and type our new domain name then press ‘enter’ you can see, we have got our landing page in the domain name we purchased so now we have successfully changed our domain name.

Set up automated emails to remind subscribers

Now, the visitors would have viewed our product, but might not have purchased it, so, what if you want to remind your subscribers about your products and new offers after some days, how can you do that? So next, let’s see how you can set up automated emails to remind your customers about your products and offers. Now to set up automated emails let’s go back to getresponse and click ‘back to funnels’ now click here select ‘autoresponders’ and then click ‘create autoresponders’. Now it will take you to this page here, give a name to your automated email so you can access this automated email using the name i’m going to enter ‘e-book follow up’ now click here. And here, you need to select the list to which you want to send the follow-up email as i want to send follow-up emails to the subscribers i’m going to select the ‘ebook’ list next here, you need to enter when you want to send the follow up email i want to send my email, after one day of signing up so let’s enter ‘1’. And here you can choose, on which days you want your emails to be sent now just scroll down here, you need to enter the subject of your email i’m going to enter my subject next, we need to design our email so to design it just click here. And it will take you to this page here you can find different types of templates which you can use for your email i’m going to use this template now we need to edit the content on this template to make it our own so first, to change this image. Let's select it and click here now i’m going to use the image which i’ve already uploaded so let’s click ‘use’. And now we have changed the image next, to change this text just select it and then replace it with the text you want i’m going to enter my text next here, you need to link the page... where you want to remind your subscribers to reach i’m going to add my sales page now to add it, just click here. And here, we need to select the link to our sales page, so to select it, first here, select the type of page you want to link so let’s click here and i’m going to select ‘landing page’ next click here,. And now i’m going to select my ‘sales page’ now here, you need to enter the text you want on the button i’m going to enter ‘buy now!’. So now we have successfully edited our email. Once you have edited your email, click ‘next’ scroll down and click ‘save and publish’. So now our automated email to remind our customers is active this means the email will be sent to the subscribers exactly after one day of their subscription. So now if we go to subscribers inbox after one day you can see, they have got an email, let’s open it. And you can see, the email which we have created and if they click ‘buy now’ it will take them to our sales page, where they can purchase the product so this is how you can set up automated emails to remind subscribers about our offers & products. Now getresponse gives you a free trial for one month. So to keep using the features, you need to upgrade the plan. Now to upgrade it just go to your getresponse account and click ‘upgrade now’. And you can choose any plans from here, based on your needs. That’s it guys. So this is how you can create a sales funnel for your products. And remember there is not only one perfect way to set up a sales funnel, it is unique to your product and changes based on your business and the customers you want to reach the best sales funnel is the one which works/earns you money. So keep trying and experimenting with new ways which work for you. Now if you want to know how to get traffic to your site using facebook ads, you can watch this video. And make sure you follow website learners to get more videos like this one, thanks for watching, i’l see you in the next video, take care, bybyeeeee :).

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