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Iran Sends New Special Forces To Backup Traore Against The West Alongside Russia.

A major concern for countries all over the world now is pursuing vigorous trade and economic cooperation in an era of expanding globalization and interconnected economies the recent emphasis placed on expanding trade and economic cooperation between iran and burkina faso has captured the attention of international observers these two countries are looking for new ways to work together to take advantage of their differences build partnerships that will benefit both parties and unlock realized economic potential many people believe that the ties between iran and burkina faso are a fresh start to many things in today's video we will examine the importance of this developing connection and throw light on iran and burkina faso's intentions prospects and possible obstacles as they pursued his course of economic cooperation the head of the iran expo 2024 organizing headquarters mid tac beiri asked bina faso commerce and economy ministers to participate in the expo to promote mutual trade during a meeting with burkina faso's ambassador to tran mamadi cabaret before we get into details we would like to explain to you what iran expo is all about it is all about the policy of exporting the islamic revolution iran's foreign policy is based on the idea of exporting the islamic revolution which aims to replicate the lessons learned from the 1979 iranian revolution in both islamic and non-islamic countries the founder of the islamic republic of iran rala comini has made this policy clear on several occasions the export of the revolution is one of the central catchphrases of the iranian islamic revolution therefore the goal is to export the revolution as an ideology a way of thinking and an approach to epistemology comi argues that government must be run following traditional islamic law and ruled by a leading islamic jurist providing political guardianship and that because god did not will this form of government only for the country of iran it cannot be limited to them the basis of the iranian revolution was to provide the ground for the spontaneous rise and movement of muslim nations by modeling educating and propagating without interfering in the internal affairs of other countries and societies iran has not seen itself obliged to impose the islamic revolution through the use of force and influence in the structure of other societies so this iran expo is the sixth international export potential exhibition of iran and will be held from 27th april to 1st may 2024 at the tyan international permanent fairground tac bei who is the head noted that iran expo 2024 has extended invitations to both the public and business sectors of burkina faso to participate with the primary goal of the exposition being to showcase iran's export potential to other nations noting that commerce between the two nations has increased significantly in recent years tac be said that the iran chamber of commerce industries mines and agriculture is prepared to strengthen its partnership with the burkina faso chamber of commerce he stated that it is envisaged that trade exchanges in the areas of industry technical and engineering services and pharmaceuticals will continue to grow between the two nations the ambassador of burkina faso for his part emphasized developing relations between the trade promotion organizations of the two countries the ambassador pointed out that there is great potential for iran and burkina faso to deepen their relationship in all spheres particularly commerce and economics to further develop bilateral trade and economic ties cabaret stated that his nation's minister of economics will participate in the iran expo 2024 bear in mind that recently iran's ambassador to burkina faso mava faki in a meeting with the foreign minister of the african country discussed the expansion of cooperation in the fields of economy science culture and technology the two parties discussed the african nation's participation in the iran expo 2024 as well as the development of bilateral trade and economic ties burkina faso's foreign minister also observed that teran and wagadu commercial and economic relations were expanding during the conference it was decided that the relevant organizations should be required by the foreign ministries of the two countries to follow up on the documents signed at the first joint economic scientific cultural and technological commission iran and burkina faso have inked a memorandum of understanding and eight cooperation documents in the fields of economy construction and exports the president of iran abrahim ri also traveled last year to kenya uganda and zimbabwe as part of a trade and economic outreach to the continent for a nation that has spent years concentrating mostly on the middle east and some regions of asia this is a distinct strategy tran seems to be going outside more and more to diversify its economy in light of the sanctions imposed by the united states following the seizure of the us embassy in tran the united states imposed restrictions on activities with iran under various legal authorities since 1979 the department of state's office of economic sanctions policy and implementation is responsible for enforcing and implementing several us sanctions programs that restrict access to the united states for companies that engage in certain commercial activities in iran stepped up its diplomatic outreach to developing world countries after then us president donald trump ditched a nuclear pact in 2018 and reimposed sanctions raz's trip to africa was the first by an iranian president in more than a decade and represents a bid to diversify economic ties in the face of crippling us sanctions burkina faso is definitely gaining a lot from this iranian oil minister javad ali said in september of last year that iran will contribute to building an oil refinery in burkina faso and would supply the west african country with oil products at need needs he went further to say that the petroleum sector cooperation between iran and burkina faso will expand in the future as part of agreements that were reached between the two countries he did not elaborate on the financial details of petroleum contracts signed between iran and burkina faso but said that the african country has some good minds that could service the needs of iran's metal sector iran russia and other western rivals have seized fresh chances as a result of a series of cous that have occurred since 20 in six former french colonies in the sahel and west africa bina faso chad gaban ganim mali and nir iran and other opponents of western dominance see the cous as a valuable geopolitical opportunity to foster stronger relationships in africa and more broadly the global south burkina faso mali and other countries in the sahel are major repositories of gold uranium lithium manganese phosphates limestone zinc boite salt granite and other valuable natural resources deals between iran and these african governments can potentially provide opportunities for iranian companies to exploit this natural resource wealth and bypass crippling sanctions yet there are obvious limits to what these developing countries in africa can offer iran the islamic republic of iran's resolve to increase its influence in the sahal and west africa should be interpreted less as an attempt to bring about significant economic gains and more as a component of a larger plan to seem less isolated on the global scene bear in mind that iran recently became a member of the bricks a consortium of growing economies in addition risi traveled to cuba venezuela and nicaragua three of the united states enemies in latin america on his july tour of africa the recent wave of cous that has swept through the sahel gives iran more chances to push its anti-western agenda concerned by tran's increasing capacity to evade sanctions note that officials in washington and europe may begin to view the sahal as a new front in the war with iran over the economy however burkina faso and iran can broaden their economic connections thanks to this relationship iran aims to reduce its reliance on commerce with long-standing allies that are subject to western sanctions burkina faso can investigate new opportunities for technology skill and investment given its heavy reliance on a small number of primary commodities this partnership exemplifies growing cooperation between developing nations it signifies a potential shift in global economic dynamics with countries in the global south seeking alternatives to traditional western partnerships landlocked and resourcer burkina faso seeks technological advancements investment and market diversification the official signing of cooperation agreements in areas like energy mining pharmaceuticals and vocational training suggests a promising future however translating agreements into concrete projects requires significant effort it is also worth noting that us sanctions on iran could complicate financial transactions and technology transfer making it difficult for iranian companies to operate freely in b faso burkina faso has also experienced recent political turmoil which could create uncertainty for foreign investors whatever the case captain ibraim tr has a bold vision for burkina faso he aspires to see a prosperous stable and united burkina faso where every citizen has the opportunity to realize their full potential he is also committed to resolutely combating terrorism and insecurity that have plagued certain regions of b kina faso to achieve this he promotes a comprehensive security approach involving enhanced regional cooperation and the development of intelligence capabilities captain tr aims to boost burkina faso's economic growth by investing in agriculture industry infrastructure and education he seeks to create jobs reduce poverty and improve the living conditions of the population tr embodies the hope for a better burkina faso his ambition vision and unwavering commitment to his country will hopefully lead burkina faso towards a more prosperous secure and unified future both burkina faso and iran stand to gain much from increased trade and economic ties it may result in more chances for investments the development of jobs the transfer of technology and the diversification of their economies it can also support the development of people-to-people relationships cultural exchanges and diplomatic links which will deepen mutual understanding and respect between the two countries even if there are difficulties along the road these countries must confront these challenges with a cooperative mindset and a common goal of mutual gain by utilizing continuous communication cooperation and knowledge sharing iran and burkina faso may establish a strong basis for a productive and long-lasting economic partnership do you think iran is going to fight burkina faso's back battles on trade and economic cooperation let us know what you think in the comments below 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