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What they don't tell you about Anesthesiologist Assistant school

How i stand out as an applicant that's like one of the biggest questions and people are trusting you literally with their lives sometimes you will feel burnt out. I had two interviews before i received my acceptance here an experience that can be nerve-wracking you're missing one thing from your applications we have oh get a good gre personally the biggest plus you can have is it's the easiest question if it's also the hardest question the greatest resource you have in this program is each other definitely like a wake-up call after the fourth week of being here like just submit the application like just do it just do it my name is jonah i'm a first-year aaa student here at nova southeastern university i remember when i was an applicant i always had all these questions about where to start what it was really like and the information that's out there isn't always the best for a lot of these things you have to know a guy who knows a guy and you have to go to all these weird places to find the information so i wanted to be a resource to just let everyone know what it's really like here to answer a lot of your questions you guys have been messaging me and i wanted to bring in a couple of my classmates jake and noah and they're going to come answer all your questions you guys sent me. Yeah. Um so what are we looking forward to most about being a caa personally i have always been someone that has wanted to help people so i get to do something that has been a goal of mine since being young. And i used to be a sick kid. And i developed a whole thought that you know i wanted to be like the people that were helping me when i was a kid so i get to do that every day nothing better money whatever that comes and goes i can feel fulfilled in a job so for me i spent the last year before i started the program working in the or as an anesthesia tech and the one thing i'm really looking forward to is going back to that i really like the work culture of the noor because you're very close with your co-workers on your colleagues because there's so many of you like the patient to provide a ratio is so high in the provider side that you really get to like have a nice sense of camaraderie with your colleagues. And i just really like the the seriousness but also like the fun that can happen in that setting all right and last couple what are the best and worst aspects of our profession and what's hard about it that no one talks about i mean we're not really like in it. Right now. So. Yeah we're not practicing yet. So we're not fully equipped to answer this but from what i've seen i would just say that working in a hospital especially in surgery you're exposed to a lot of emotionally like taxing events and like poor outcomes sometimes and that can be a lot to deal with whether it's your fault whether it wasn't stuff like that can happen but the benefits i think are definitely there you just have to know what you're getting into and understand it like you're taking a lot of responsibility and people are trusting you literally with their lives. But i think that it's also very rewarding for those exact same reasons. Yeah i can tell you from my experience as an anesthesia tech there were times where you were getting you were delivering compressions on a patient because god knows why and you couldn't do anything and they have to call and that is a that is very draining to deal with and the work alone is also draining you are going to have so many patients and there are going to be so few people alongside of you to take care of those patients that sometimes you will feel burnt out i know plenty of people that felt burnt out best thing i can say is that at least for the anesthesia groups that i know of down here in florida they are very willing to offer a good a bit of vacation time to make sure that we all are coming back and re-centering ourselves in terms of the best things i think every a i've spoken with has felt that they're like very well compensated and the lifestyle that they're afforded is like very nice um.

But yeah. It comes it comes with a cost sometimes and that wraps up section one pretty much so we're gonna move on to how to stand that as an applicant describe our interview day oh which one he's going from there down. Okay those are questions that i haven't really answered describe interview day i joke which one because i chose instead of taking as much time off as possible from work i would just stack the ones that i had right before white one before the other so it was just driving all around constantly for it so i would say anxious i would say i was probably. I think the only thing i could feel until each interview was over was just really anxious regardless of whether or not i did. Well it was just like a nerve-wracking experience. Yeah i had two interviews before i received my acceptance here. And i just chose to go here the one here it's very casual they don't like pin questions on you halfway through they just want to get to know you still like an anxious thing you've never been to like i can interview before for such like a caliber profession i guess the other school i applied to there's a little different format from how fort lauderdale is um. And i didn't prefer it over this one um. But it was you know it was a good experience but overalls you know expected anxious stuff like that. So i just wanted to chime in and say that if you do have anxiety i know a lot of people will only apply to certain programs because they know they want to go there and to them i like really respect that but the best thing that you can do if you're like really anxious i would say is like go to multiple interviews or even go to mock interviews but having done it multiple times definitely helps because each interview is slightly different but it's like 75 the same no matter if you're interviewing a case or emory or wherever else like a lot of things overlap and they mostly just need to remind yourself that they already like you enough to invite you for the interview. Yeah. So what's the best way to prepare for an interview it's not even like an interview for some places i would say this one i didn't i barely talked about like my application or. Like oh what makes me stand out you know it's more like tell me about yourself. It's the easiest question it's also the hardest question it's like. Yeah it tells you like what your character is how you act just talking to some random person you're going to be doing that as a you know a caa. So. Yeah. No i think i joked with all of the people i was interviewing with before anyone came out where i was like watch first thing they're gonna ask us is be like tell us something about you that we didn't see on your application and i had gotten into plants as a hobby over the pandemic. So i just talked about plants for at least a good five minutes and they seemed really receptive to it i guess i think for preparing don't drink a lot of caffeine do not just i know it's early for some people take the hit just you know you don't want to add more onto already what is an experience that can be nerve-wracking you know.

And i would say before walking in you know give yourself a moment to breathe really center yourself and remember that whatever was on casa even if it's highs lows doesn't matter at all because they saw something in you that had potential that they wanted to buff out and make a diamond out of you know and real quick should they expect like content questions or clinical questions or scientific questions like anything like that it depends where you interview this place absolutely not jacksonville they asked me clinical questions they asked me like two south orlando. Yeah. A lot tampa i had no idea as well. Yeah. So it really depends where you go um. So but just know that those clinical questions don't test like. Oh they don't know this they're not gonna get in it's just i don't know just to see how you deal with under stress. I guess i think they also are trying to see the thinking process i think they're trying to see how your brain works a little to answer the question like of course you're gonna have to have some base of knowledge.

But they're wanting to see how you manipulate it in order to produce what could be a satisfactory answer did you get accepted to more than one school and if so how did you go about it i'l start i applied to seven schools my first interview was here i had a south orlando interview two days later 30 minutes after myself interview ended i got accepted here. I accepted it during the phone call so i didn't attend any other schools i didn't get accepted from any other schools. So i think what they're asking about is case western i got accepted at case western. And they wanted a thousand dollar deposit and i didn't pay it i'm gonna just be honest i didn't pay it because i thought i was going to get accepted here i ended up getting accepted here.

And then i just told case western that i asked it for like an extension at first. And then when i got my acceptance then i just declined my offer case i was one of those people that threw a very small net i applied to three programs all the novas down here. And i got an interview at jacksonville. And i got an interview here. And i got wait listed at jacksonville and i got an acceptance here. And i mean where else was i gonna go what were some aspects in your application that made you feel like you stand out and ultimately led to a seat in the class do you want to start me i have to think about my application of how i stand out as an applicant that's like one of the biggest questions i feel like. Right. Okay. So yes you know we have the gpa requirements we have oh get a good gre. I think personally the biggest plus you can have is somewhat of a healthcare experience especially if you're around anesthesia. So my first application cycle i was working as a medical assistant for about a year before that i probably had like 300 patient care hours but no anesthesia experience just the minimum eight that fort lauderdale required and i got denied you know upset whatever got a new job as i said before as like the surgical tech i worked at like a mac center so they just did 20 30 cases a day. But i ended up having around probably a thousand hours of experience with like around anesthesia. So i think that really helps me and i was on the lower end of the grades wise coming from undergrad. Um so i wouldn't fret too much if you're sharing gpr like kind of like what the website says is average. So. Yeah i had difficulties in undergrad as well i think what helped my application the most in terms of the grades portion and the academics is when i finally took the time for myself to assess what was wrong with how i was tackling school and just my life at that point in time you know therapy all these things you know help my trajectory academically accelerated very quickly to becoming a 4.0 student in the last like two and a half years that i was taking coursework i had taken coursework after i graduated and i didn't stop i took some of the hardest courses i could at fsu in terms of biology and i was looking to go into a master's program i almost applied to for a masters and then i started working as a tech and i pretty much within a month was like.

Yeah this is exactly what i want to do. And i worked seven o'clock to three o'clock and then it would be seven o'clock to seven o'clock and whenever i just did as much time as possible we had a question are there any respiratory therapists in our class so we have dr miller right doc uh. Yeah. Dr miller is a respiratory therapist but in terms of like our class we have one respiratory therapist amongst us and i think the class above us had one or two as well or has one or two could you talk about the setup of the interview how long is it and how many interviewees for fort lauderdale it depends like i say anywhere between like what three to eight three to ten and what's gonna happen i'l tell you right now if you're coming for an interview here you're gonna hang out with a couple of of the current students maybe like. 20 30 minutes beforehand and then one of our professors is gonna grab you bring it to a conference room talk to you about 15 minutes and you're done. Yeah simple as that other places it's you know it's different some interviews last like three or four hours it depends on the size of the people of the class that comes here for interviews if there's like three people in your group then there's on be about an hour and a half if there's eight it's gonna be like two and a half hours maybe so i will say if you are someone that is getting interviews too here you're really lucky if you end up with us too because we always seem to want to bring snacks in the morning.

So there's a very real chance that if you end up with us you're going to have food as well. So i don't really have much else to add in terms of interview day i mean i pretty much fleshed it out exactly how it is we're gonna do everything as much as possible to make you guys comfortable because we were in your shoes last year so we completely understand what it's like we'l also show you like our ors that we do stuff in and have you intubated mannequin maybe see if you can do it. But this is for fun so jonah's showing you this is the or the simulation center. So. Yeah all right about it how can applicants get shadowing experience or how can they get a job as anesthesia tech depending on you have to get lucky i feel like depending on where you're from that can be harder than others i'm on the facebook group and man i feel like that's the question that will probably never get answered until aas work in every state because there's always going to be someone from idaho or you know west texas or something that doesn't have a hospital nearby them where they'd have to drive out i'd say during your breaks reach out or before your breaks reach out you know see if there's anyone that would be willing to help get you those hours in terms of being a tech literally wait by the computer. Yeah wait by the computer until that ad shows up it is not often that they come up so i just wanted to put in that. Yeah getting a job as an anesthesia tech can be very difficult because certain places will expect you to have a certification certain places. Will not and for me i personally couldn't find a anesthesia tech job in the city where i wanted to live in so i had to move i moved two and a half hours away to go for this anesthesia type job so you do have to like if you don't have great previous experience in healthcare you do have to like cast a wider net and be willing to like make some of these more extreme decisions anyone close to tallahassee memorial hospital doesn't take certified anesthesia tax or i mean they will i guess.

But just so you know if you're looking does anyone in your program have a previous master's degree how would that impact an application. Oh yeah. There is a there is a group of them that literally just finished a masters of what bachelor science or bachelor or biological science. Yeah there's some. Yeah anatomy biological sciences physiology literally anything any masters it shows that you have enhanced your education in a certain field and the program will be confident that you can handle it basically this would be a great time to talk about how many students are traditional applicants like straight out of college versus how many have had a gap year and how many are like have had many gap years non-traditional applicants i'd say what there's maybe 10 right out of college right now. Yeah maybe even less than that at first i thought it was more but over i mean just preparing for this alone we kind of were like at 10 at most. Yeah. At most i would say the majority of us have had at least one or two gaps one or two gap years. Yeah i would say most of us one or two gap years past that it's usually people that you know were in a career and decided to change and still had all their credits and everything were still applicable for them to put in the application compared to your work experience and your application like holistically how important is your exam scores and your gpa. I'm gonna say it depends they're gonna they're gonna bring you in for an interview regardless of whether you have a high gpa what they want to see is who you are as an applicant with the grades with the gre or mcat score that essay the research assignment they want to see who you are when they put all those pieces together. And i don't think any one of us could tell you how the magic works in that one i wish i could pick you know their brains about it. But i really have no idea uh.

I mean i. Yeah. I completely like this interview when i applied. So i don't know. Yeah that's hard. I would just say do your best with whatever scores you have right now and just submit your application as long as you have everything else just submit it as early as possible don't wait till later. So what are your options if your application is rejected so i have great experience about this. Yeah go for it. So i got rejected so i applied to tampo last year only tampa which was one of my mistakes i should have applied to more um. But i wanted to end up there because that was so close to home where i live in sarasota but after that you know i'm not gonna be like a little hurt puppy i'm gonna try and build up and try to strengthen my application do it again. Um so i went out tried to find a new job to do something with anesthesia which magically found as we spoke like before it's like kind of just finding the needle in the haystack sometimes depending where you are pure happenstance sometimes. Yeah. So. Yeah. I mean don't lose hope you know it's only a year you know might as well make some money get some experience if you get like a career within like anesthesia tax surgery tech anything with anesthesia and you're there all the time it'l like solidify. Oh this is what i want to do so when i got that new job i was like obsessed with it. You know i really love to be in the environment. And i thought it was just really just really cool.

Basically so i applied again. And. Yeah how important is a personal statement and what criteria makes it good or bad. Oh personal statement it sounds like a little essay thing do at the beginning. Yeah. I would say just tell your story tell your story don't fake it just be yourself. Yeah. I'd say that out of all the things i think that is one of the most important parts of your application i did everything for my application and i thought oh i'l write my personal statement and it'l be fine it'l just take me like a week it took me about two months to do because i wanted to get it right and even when i press submit on casa i still did not feel like it was right. And i just talked about my life experience you know. And i talked about what i had seen you know working being in you know children's hospitals when i was a kid and things like that really shaped you know the person that i was.

And then the struggles that i had as a person academically and how i didn't give up and tried to rebound from it i think really what they want to see is a little slice of who you are at the end of the day with that. Oh additionally going back to the last question don't be afraid to pester some of the people a bit if you do get rejected they want you to ask them sometimes what you could do better what they saw were the weak points in your application there are anesthetists that i know that applied and didn't get in their first cycle emailed and by the second or third time around they were in. Yeah. I forgot to mention that i did bother the guy that kind of made the programs for nsu in florida and i kept emailing him month he was like just find a way to strengthen your application maybe with some more experience and apply again. So i did and it worked out so bother them they want to be. Yeah they tell you after the interview. Oh yeah. They'l tell you straight up so these next two questions sort of go hand in hand one is should i submit my application if i have a low gre and plan to retake it. And then when's a good time to submit the application is october too late i applaud in october i applied in yeah like october 30th 31st. And i don't think nova got mine until november 2nd or something. So i don't think it's i wouldn't wait till december basically try to try to apply before november if you can if you are planning to apply this cycle if you haven't done so already i'd also have interviews rolling out. Yeah i'd also add though that our situation is going to be different than what this year and probably the next few years will be because of the increased presence on social media of the caa practice there are going to be more numbers in the applicant pool and it's going to feel like how do i stand out with so many more people now all of a sudden wanting to do this thing don't think about it think about what you need to do to get your application done and focus exactly on what makes you the best applicant in your picture they aren't going to look for any one of us to be the other person.

Yeah. Regarding what would you say the gre score. Yeah. It's should i what is what is the like the average it says or what it wants you to go to. I mean 300 mid min. Oh okay tarantrum in. Yeah. I got a 321 but you can get in with less than that potentially depending on like what i had a 303. So. Yeah don't stress i had a 309. And if anyone who hasn't taken it i guess we should probably tell you straight up you're gonna get your scores except for like the written portion that's like what in like a month you get the official score immediately they're looking for well no not the report not the that's like you're unofficial because they factor in the written portion as the official one. Yeah. But i got my score i got a 309 i had set a personal goal to at least get a 310 minimum. And i like called my dad. And i'm like i now have to do this all over again this is going to take so much more time. And he had to bring me back down to earth and be like just submit the application like just do it just do it and sometimes it may not be as bad as you think.

Yeah so in the chat someone just asked about what study resources for the gre so i would say greg matt has a great like series on gre. I would say if you have the choice between gre w how does the mic work it's on. Oh okay. Yeah. It's always on i would say if you have the choice between mcat and gre take gre it's much easier to study for oh my god. Yeah. And i would also say like if you can only take it once try and take it once the practice tests that are official from ets my score from the practice test to the real test was like with win one point. So it's very reliable and you should know what you're going to get before you take it greg matt is great the official ets practice is great and i would say that studying for it is very consistent like you should know it's a very predictable test. Yeah there's no surprises i had like what a pearson or something pearson book i did the book took the test got my score went with it i had done kaplan and then halfway through working through it because with just working i've had a lot more free time on my hands to just dedicate to it. So i've like finished the six month course and two and a half so i decided to add magoosh as well to that. And i think both of them are also great resources if you are looking for something especially because a lot of you are going to be an undergrad. And you're probably wanting to save some money i would definitely recommend magoosh on that side but there are plenty of alternatives too that are cheap and effective i got this question hi.

Jonah i'm located in the dc area and we'l be interested in applying to nsu fort lauderdale will you be able to rotate in hospitals located in dc or will you have to wait until you graduate to apply for jobs in dc. Um so i actually have to cut in and say that i don't think we're allowed to talk about our rotation sites though about which pro places we are and where we have sites we just have can only like say that we have a wide net for it's scattered. Okay. I don't know what the rules are. Yeah. I'm sorry. But when you were outside when you were outside the other day at the interview and nissa was like we can't really tell you guys where you have sites so it's a crossing edge station i worked in washington dc which you should know about there is there's only a few hospitals so the demand for aas is diminished because everyone wants to work there the demand for student rotations is diminished but people do rotate there it's possible so brittany asks now that you are in the program how do you study how do you manage your time. Well i'l say at the start i didn't you know i don't know what to expect you know i didn't really like study like the greatest in undergrad i kind of just like cruise controlled it um. But it was definitely like a wake-up call after the fourth week of being here i had to change how i studied and it took me a while to figure that out. But once i did you know i'm thriving now. But what was the other half of that question how do you manage your time. Oh get your sleep that's the first thing i'm a very big advocate for that get seven eight hours of sleep that's the best thing for you but besides that just do your classes after your classes study for four or five hours maybe your own self time after that like you don't have to spend eight nine hours a day studying people say they do i don't believe it. Oh really maybe you but really before an exam didn't do that but on a typical day. I don't know about it regular days throughout the week especially towards the beginning of your first semester just see what like what you're being given and then play inappropriately designate days that you want to study for certain materials but i will say compared to undergrad in undergrad i was very used to studying by myself just doing assignments and what you should know about this program is it's very exam heavy there's not very many assignments not very many tasks to do it's sort of just like you need to know the material and they tell you what you need to know and you need to go learn it. And so because of that the greatest resource you have in this program is each other and one of the study methods that i had to learn this semester that has been really great is just studying with a partner like group studies talking through problems teaching each other being collaborative like that is. I think one of like the great benefits of being in a program like this don't be a lone wolf i'l say for myself absolutely utilize that there are plenty of people here that you can bounce ideas off of as well as just concepts and just really talk about it you know jake was mentioning that he you know has more ability to manage his time and get about four or five hours i'm not that kind of person at all i'm like on the complete opposite side i am pretty much here nowadays since i'm starting to set my sleep schedule better at like eight nine o'clock. And i don't leave until about nine pm with the classes as well and then also you know meals. But i pretty much eat sleep and breathe anesthesia as much as humanly possible this messer for sure.

Oh regarding first semester it was a little different i feel like yeah definitely different the first big difference from undergrad is that. Yeah. Carlos is coming to talk about the. Yes actually but before we get off topic i just wanted to i already got off topic i don't know go over there here swap out. Yeah swap out with jake we have carlos one of our classmates he was in the well i'm blanking. I mean the pre-a program so he can talk about his experience with that and if there are any questions on it as well because i know that's been floated around as well do you think lower grades in prereqs taken freshman year can be made up for stronger grades in more upper level prereqs or in the postback both so for the pre-program before getting invited i had applied before applying i graduated from florida state and i didn't. Yeah go knows baby. And i didn't really. I knew i didn't have the gpa that you needed to get into masters the master's program here. So i was also missing a few classes like i was missing physics calculus the orgo lab like a few a few minor ones so like i retook the i not retook them i took them made sure i got a's to like boost up my gpa the qualifications you need to be in the pre-program it's not high gpa not high gres not saying that there weren't people with that because there absolutely was and had tons of hours too it's more so like you're missing one thing from your application that kind of set you apart and doing this pre-postback program will give you that one thing that you're missing and i mean it's been pretty helpful since i'd like back to the question take other upper level classes or do the pre-a program both really like you want both because let's say you don't get in. But you applied early and stuff. Maybe you'l get the invite for the q a. And you get to apply and that'l be an opportunity because regardless at the end of the day the goal is to get in and to get into the masters and that's what you want to do no matter how you get there i'm actually going to add in real quick since i spoke earlier about how academically i didn't have the best experience especially in like freshman and sophomore year um. But yeah definitely utilize if you know maybe you don't get the email utilize taking some difficult courses or things that are different and can kind of round out your experience a little bit more i took histology like my junior year. And i was petrified of the experience because of how people talked about it at fsu and i loved every second of it once i actually figured out how to study for it and taking harder courses taking things that will challenge you can also motivate you to work just as hard and excel. And i mean hell watching carlos now. I you i took a class with him when we were back at fsu and he works hard almost every day. So it's kind of awesome to see him here too but amalek carlos keep going with the pre-backed program.

Yeah the only other question was how much does the post back improve an applicant standing well again that's more. So i would want to answer that. But that's more so get invited to it. And they'l tell you how because it's kind of like a different set of standards in the sense of like you got to meet certain levels that they're expecting and with that once you meet them you'l be you'l be pretty happy with your results and how it ends up but again i'm i can't give away all the information for it because you guys haven't we're not done you know there's still chances you guys could get in you know could be like not the last option to get in. But you know one of the few that can help you so definitely i to add on to that it definitely prepped me for the masters i felt very comfortable my first semester still stressed that'l never change that will never change. But i mean overall what you learn there you can bring to everyone else and help everyone around you make them better as well. So it's a team effort at the end of the day.

Oh wait so you need to be invited to get into the post back after sending a casa app and getting rejected yes basically like those are the two qualifications that you need to be invited or be asked to join in like you'l get a random email they send it. I mean i don't know how many again i was we were the first class to ever do it. So i don't know how many they've sent this year i did step in once to do like a q a thing for them during their interviews and there was like they upgraded the seats so like there was 10 last time. And then now there's like 20. Um so definitely more chances to get in. But. Yeah that's the two qualifications basically have a casa in and sadly the denial.

But it's not the end of the road is the program in person or online both so it's like a hybrid class your first semester will be mainly online. You'l i mean unless you're going to meet up with a classmate or something then i guess you could say it's in person. But no it's all it's all online they work with you in like your work schedule because they do push you to work while in the post back. So then again like the skills i was telling you guys about earlier of working and taking those extra classes it'l come into play there as well and then the following semester after that you do have like clinicals or labs that you have to go in person and that was the only time you also have class in person that day too. So that was pretty cool to like actually see our the people who interview us teach us in person again it was really interesting and as far as the main program goes it's pretty much all in person except for some reverse learning classrooms. But that's you still have an in-person component. Yeah sometimes teachers just can't make it or something comes up in their schedule so they'l put up a video. Yeah. I mean i think a couple of our professors serve in hot in leadership roles so they're not always free so they have recorded lectures as well that we can utilize too so sometimes that's just how it works.

And you make do one thing that's nice about this program that i think is not a feature at a lot of the other programs that i interviewed at is that nova has all of their lectures or pretty much all the lectures broadcast on zoom. And then they're also archived so you can go back and re-watch it if you're sick you can watch it from home. And i think that's something that a lot of the other programs don't do and that's a great feature that nsu has definitely and your teachers will work with you what's your favorite part about being a student at nsu. But i'm also lump us in with what makes nsu a unique program and why did you choose nsu over other programs i'm going to let the guy that went to ennis. Yeah i just love it down here that one i just loved like the culture down here and all the you know things to do down here compared to where i'm from and where i went to high school and stuff like that i really just fell in love with the area there's a little bit of every part of the world here um.

And i'l everyone i hear i've ever met is just you know some of the most amazing people i've had like you know had experiences with in my life. So why go here it's because of that reason in terms of being a student at nsu i've stated already i spend pretty much most of my time in this one building studying so i'm not gonna answer much to that one because i probably wouldn't know what else nsu has to offer outside of this room what i can say about the program when i worked probably 97 percent of the anesthetist that i worked with all graduated from nsu programs and most of them from tampa or from fort lauderdale we had just started to get a couple from jacksonville last year i believe every single one of them said that their experience here and the people that they got to work alongside was transformational in itself that they met people that just became instant family there are people that will take sick days to go to puerto rico to go to each other's weddings and are people that will actively go to these big organizational meetings even though they have no intention of going to the informational sessions just so then they can hang out with their friends and i can say i hope to have that exact same experience at the end of the day if i can have that i feel like it'l be a success in itself beyond graduating. Yeah not only that. But everyone here it's so cooperative with this program with this cohort i could have not talked to like someone from the very few you know weeks we started i can ask them a question and they'l immediately help me and try to help me understand it um. And i haven't seen that you know much else anywhere else i've been. Yeah. So everyone's very friendly very cooperative. And everyone here wants to help you succeed alongside them.

All right i'm gonna just go through some of these chat questions real quick would you recommend submitting a low score or waiting to retake it well what's a what's a low score. Is it if it's under 300 depends on your gpa if your gpa is on the lower side maybe consider retaking the gre. I would say if you're already planning on retaking the gre then you should just wait take it now though like schedule. It. Yeah schedule it as two weeks away does nova use flipped classroom style. I don't even know what that means like reverse it's like the reverse class. Yeah. The reverse classrooms. Yeah that we like we said some of the professors have busy schedules outside of here so they work alongside of teaching us like they're active cas. So there and some of them beyond being just cas alone are in leadership positions for their groups or one of them is in leadership for f aaa. So he's very busy and sometimes just isn't around. Yeah can you apply if you're still taking your prereqs. And they haven't got your final grades. Yet. I believe so i couldn't tell how the supplemental application works i think that from what i had read you can take prereqs still i think that they had i think your final grades for them had to be submitted though once the semester that you were taking was over so say you're in fall semester and you're taking i don't know organic chemistry too this semester. And then next semester you need to take biochem you can do both and apply and you probably will have no problem getting an interview that makes sense. Yeah.

How do you get involved with leadership with faa and quad a while being a student i mean the. And we have student government here that are reps that are representatives for our program for those organizations i work alongside them and. Beyond you know just a simple class election so there's they host conferences and we're all really excited to attend these conferences in person nsu does provide some opportunities to like help sponsor you to attend these conferences and so we're hoping to have a lot of our classmates from also the other nsu campuses all attend these conferences for f triple a quade i will say though i think beyond that i don't know if the question was meaning from our side or from trying to have organizational leadership in those programs. Yeah i don't think that there is a way i think it's because of the fact that they understand how rigorous these programs are they're like no don't worry about trying to get involved you know be involved in your class and that's enough for them. Yeah how did you decide on what nsu campus to choose again i got accepted two days after my interview it was the first one i wasn't gonna hesitate. Yes i love this area.

I this is my first choice so that's why jonah you're gonna have to answer that one i've already said that i'm the i'm this was my old league what i got into so just come over here and answer it real quick so which place to choose that is something where i had to deliberate for a lot because i was accepted in like a lot of programs and all these other states out of nsu programs i only applied to fort lauderdale the reason i applied here is because it's the main campus it's like the flagship i'm sure all the other campuses like have their perks but one thing i really liked about the main campus here is that we're very close with all the other professional programs and we get to take classes with some of them our anatomy course we had access to the cadaver lab i don't know if that's a feature at other programs i suspect not every program has that so we get to actually go hands-on with the cadavers and learn anatomy together with some of the other professional programs as well and also i felt like the community was great here. I felt like like the cohort dynamics was really nice here it didn't feel like as like competitive or stuffy. Yeah at some other places so i felt like they had a lot to offer here in terms of both like what there is to do outside of school as well as like what you'l get in the program what's the grading system like is it pass fail what's a passing grade it's so you have to get a course grade of 75 or greater in every course if you fail i don't know how it is for other places but nicu fort lauderdale offers what's called remediation if you pass that remediation exam you get a c dash e in that course you're allowed up to two of those the third time you fail a class you're out besides that you know you have your gpa from what i understand now there's like a overall graduating gpa of a 3.0 must be obtained in order to graduate um. So. Yeah. Uh. Yeah. No you're allowed two remediations those happen the week after your final exams but you need a 75 to pass the strive for graders. Yeah strive for greater because a lot of those courses you know you could be writing midterms on you know. A 76 78 yeah hell you could be at a 74.72. And it you will not sleep at all if you are that anxious about it.

And you know try to go in with as much you know potential as possible in excelling and going above the 75. Um how is the difficulty of the course compared to your undergraduate experience. Oh it's a lot more difficult first of all if you're taking like six seven classes a semester when you know sometimes you take five another grad i don't know what you guys do out there i only did like four or five each semester. But like the content first semester for the amount of time you're given it was a lot i will say that all of anatomy and physiology on top of our regular anesthesia courses it was like a big workload to manage at first and you just have to find like how you work best around it. But it was tough. Yeah. I think the only situation that could come even remotely close to even just one class and we're taking one class in this whole program would have been me taking histology during undergrad and that's because they taught it at a med school level so you were required to go constantly but beyond that there's not a single class comes close to that experience at all is what we've had to do here you will be tested almost every single week on how much you can shove into your brain and you'l be surprised you will legitimately be so surprised at how much you'l come out with just in our first semester alone i feel like we've come out with a lot more information than we started with. And we all at some point we're like. How yeah. I don't think i could learn this much in the amount of time i've had i think everyone says that in this program at least yeah how many hours do you dedicate to school a day it depends like before tess like what noah was saying earlier all day. Yeah. I mean i'l guess break it up all day you know if you have the weekend you're gonna be you know when you wake up study eat lunch study eat dinner study go to bed without like with all the studies it depends you know. How fun. Yeah we have fun after tests. But it's more like not the amount of time you dedicate. But it's the efficiency like if you're like you're with a group of people but you're talking half the time you're not being efficient but you're still putting those hours in so if you can find a good medium between you know conversing with classmates about certain topics without going too far off topic to the extent where you spend multiple hours without accomplishing what you could have done in half the time so it's really depends on how you study and who you study with. Yeah definitely depends on who you are around personally i go on the far end of things i am probably one of the few in this program that really just goes as long as humanly possible and no real reason except what else do i gotta do. Yeah. Like we have nothing else to do here i don't have a job that's all you do don't work i moved down here so all my friends are well all of them so at some point you kind of go well i don't why am i going to waste my loan money on gas when i could just hang out here. Yeah do you feel like you have the support and resources to do well if you need help understanding the material 100. Absolutely. And i would say even beyond the material alone there is a lot of help resource and resources available as someone with you know my own mental health i strived for both of my interviews to make sure that the programs were you know equipped with resources to where if you know say i just wasn't in the right mindset. But i could just email a professor and they would be understanding and dr wagner who you know runs the whole ship told me at my interview that he completely understood and that there was no reason for me to be worried about it at all.

Yeah all. Right what are the top two perks and top two downfalls or just top in general of living in fort lauderdale stop is like what you can do outside of here as we are in classes you know it's hard to get out sometimes but when we do i think we always have just a grand old time it's a great area there's something new to do every mile you go towards in davie fort lauderdale area you know you have miami south of us boca raton if you go to the travel few hours to the west coast you got naples you go up from there tampa. You know you're in a good like hot spot area to do a lot of things outside of the class the weather here is not the summer but outside of the summer it's about it's pretty nice. You know it's not really rainy ever it gets cold here sometimes but not you know crazy what's the housing situation like are most students living near campus both during didactic and clinical rotations. Um so i'd actually say that because we talked about this when we first started i'm probably one of the few students that lives oh like 10 minutes from the campus and that's what on the farther side for a lot of people most of most of the class lives in some of the same apartment complexes and everything there's a lot of places around this area that have housing there's a lot i spent about there always be something four days doing just tours because i just wanted to see as many places as possible. So then i knew what where i wanted to be but we do have some locals you know some we have people from miami too so 30 45 minute drives. Even yeah they're still doing it so do it every day. Yeah. How do you deal with burnout as a student aaa. I do what i want to do. I still play video games i listen to music i go eat hangout friends. I mean i mean. Yeah i will say that you know burnout it happens you know sometimes you just don't want to do any reading you don't want to look at a single anki card and if someone mentions a single anesthetic drug you're gonna wrap your hands around their throat and be like stop it no more take the moment to go home or just drive around whatever you need because at the end of the day they're going to understand exactly what you need they're not going to hound you and be like why didn't you figure it out if you explain to them like i just needed a minute.

No one's gonna judge you. Yeah. And how long did the whole application process take you to complete when did i start well my first application last year the one i got denied to i started like september. And i didn't submit it until like january because i was like struggling trying to get my hours in and like my job was not like helping me trying to get those hours like take a day off of work. So i was like in a weird spot with that alongside like getting recommendations from like certain people i was trying to hit so i hesitated too late. And i was like one of the last interviews last year to go. And i just got wait listed and then later i found out i got denied so second year i already had all my previous things from the year before. So i that picture took me like a week to fill out i just wrote a new personal statement i wrote a new like journal article i showed the different hours that i got from that new job so it really depends if you've already started working on it versus you don't even have some of the prereqs started yet it opened in june and my goal was to do it by june and then time just got the best of me you know things happen life happens and i a lot of think the goals that i wanted to do i had to push to the side.

👇 Give it a try