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WriteSonic Tutorial - How To Generate AI Content With WriteSonic For Beginners

Hey there guys my name is marcus and i welcome in a bright sonic tutorial in this tutorial i'm going to guide you how you can easily use right sonic how you can create ai content and also what you can actually use it for so if your first time here you're gonna have also link down below in the description that you can register with when you're gonna get to write sonic and then just like start the video when you're gonna have created your account if you already have account i'm going to guide you how you can use it i believe after watching this video you will understand write sonic much better so let's start in the moment when you're gonna enter right sonic you would see it here that you have categories straight away articles and blocks ads and marketing tools general writing and you can easily switch between all these categories let's say for social media and you would find all the youtube so if you want to see it for youtube videos and then article and blogs so if you want to have article intro you can click here. So this is where you would find the categories that you can create ai content for then on the top you can see saved history book upload and photostonic for the save this will be the save that you have for your let's say articles and blogs and history you would have if you're gonna have any copies you would find it right here.

So here what we're going to do first let's click here on ai or article writer and let the ai article writer is going to write our article to us. All right so let's say the topic is going to be how to grow on youtube a language english and quality let's go with premium. Then i can simply have free outputs or two that depends on you and then generate ideas so let's just by answer is going to generate some ideas for us. And then you see the idea how to grow your youtube channel and get more views okay then generate an intro so this is the title how to grow your youtube channel and get more views this will be ai right equal for our blog so now we're going to generate intro. So i can always write the topic that you want and then you can have the intro and you can simply choose between these options and i'm going to disable the camera now so you can see it better like for example the third well the last one i like creating uploading videos to your youtube channel is just the beginning the real work is growing your audience so they keep coming back again if you're reading this you'l probably already have a sprite of passion for making videos and you can let's say click this one. Right. So i'm going to choose it and then get the outline so this is the article intro and i'm going to click here generate outlines foreign is going to get generated and these are the sections that we have so keep content phrase and relevant don't forget about video seo make quality videos and you can always find these which one you want. Oppa. So i just choose one of these so let's say keep content for edge don't forget video assume quality videos utilizing friends and partners stay visible with events.

Okay. Yeah. Okay. We can have this one here. Right. So then we have the intro we have the outline you can always add your own outline so if you have your own outline you can edit it right here and then write an article and then you just wait until it's going to load. And then we're gonna be on the good. And here we have it so we can see that it even added a picture for us how to grow a youtube channel and you're gonna have also the option to use a sonic editor and you can easily have creating apple videos how to guest videos and collaborators produce quality videos and it's going to like write to amazing article for you that you can use and voila here we got it in matter of what few minutes you got your own article and you can use simply bold you can make it like this strike through h1 h2 then you can easily link it in a picture or add a video. So that's something you can all add and it's pretty much it so in the moment when you're gonna have it you would click here write an article again and you can go also to publish to your wordpress website so you can easily connect it with your wordpress website or you can easily download it right. And i got my own dock right now of the whole block and that's this is amazing and let's say that you're gonna have let's say a monitor review. Whatever.

And you can easily use the ai for it's going to write for you so that's pretty good. So this is how you can use the ai radical. And i can simply go to social media and let's say that i'm going to have a youtube audi ideas. And i can simply then use video topic is going to be how etoro review and download excited language premium generated to badia foreign for social media we want to create youtube title so look at this now what etoro is and why it's good for our investment what do you need to know before investing on either a quick tour of the etero app. And you can really get a lot of ideas how like how to understand this project and these would be like topics that you can create videos on and let's say you're going to try something to have a title search term. Okay generate youtube titles and what we're gonna have what are we gonna find foreign cloud project management tools and you can have ideas here. Right so this is pretty much it. How you do you do use it you just copy it you can also edit it save it copy to clickboard and also write a copy and that's pretty much it. So if you have any questions guys let me down in the comments this is how you can easily use write sonic use an introduction tutorial on it and that's pretty much it so thank you and have a great day and goodbye see ya.

👇 Give it a try